Welcome to MEAsureD
Project information
Our goal at MEAsureD is to enhance the performance and lifespan of HT-MEAs for heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) by combining experimental approaches and simulations/modelling. This will involve developing and optimizing MEA components to improve the overall system performance of fuel cells. We are specifically focusing on utilizing HT-PEMs as the best scientific direction for the HDV industry by developing the ion-pair concept beyond the current State-of-the-Art (SoA) and achieving key performance indicators (KPIs) of the specific call. Our consortium, led by the MEA manufacturer Advent and composed of experts in fuel cell technology, aims to link HT-PEM with HDV applications. Based on Advent’s expertise in MEA development, we will tune up all necessary technical aspects to deliver an advanced MEA with high-end potential, based on cost and environmental analysis, specifically for the HDV sector. Our parallel actions in experimental and theoretical research will target to improve MEAs durability and performance. Our overall objective is to demonstrate a cost-effective MEA that operates in higher temperatures (>160 oC) and has high performance.
Project Partners

Goals and Objectives
Develop an MEA for HT-PEM suitable for HDV that operates in a temperature >160 oC with minimum PA uptake and stable porous microstructure ionomer/new type of platinum catalysts.
Integrate MEA in a short stack. Project stack performance based on short stack measurements. Evaluate MEAs performance according to the project’s KPIs. Environmental assessment for FC manufacturing procedure focused on cost reduction and recycling of waste products.
FC stack integration in HDV real conditions. Identify balance of plant components assembly based on HT-PEM needs. Analysis of FC technology for other applications (aviation, maritime, rail).
Development of design and monitoring modelling (flow field, degradation) simulation tools.
Testing, testing procedures, harmonization and standardization related activities.
Exploitation, dissemination, and communication